
Customer Testimonials

Like the way you contact us when we can order supplies. The people who you talk with on the phone are very pleasant and helpful. Glad Triumph was our choice for ostomy supplies.


I love Triumph! Everyone is so helpful and friendly. They go way beyond to get what I need and if I’m not quite sure of what I exactly need I know they will help. Delivery is always fast and correct. I hear of people with problems with their supplier and I’m so fortunate not to have those worries.


I have always been happy with how Triumph handles my supply needs. Things change for me a lot and they are always able to get me what I need when my needs change. I’ve gone through a lot of health issues and getting enough product when I need it has never been a problem.


I so appreciate your great team in Lincoln, NE. They are always gracious, kind, and ready to help. I self-catheterize and your products and caring people have made me into a well person enjoying life. Thanks to all of you for your timely and personalized service!


I absolutely love triumph! Everyone I have dealt with thru the company has been super helpful and extremely patient and knowledgeable. My supplies always come quickly and discreetly and I absolutely couldn’t imagine going anywhere else! Shout out to Laura she is awesome!


Amazing service! Fast, reliable & such kind staff!!


I love working with you! My orders are always here when I need them and I can always text or call if anything comes up!


I have had a good experience with Triumph. Courteous people, willing to help, answer my questions, and get me what need. Thank you.


Awesome customer service. As a family with a special needs child we deal with a lot of pharmacies and doctors offices. I know with our monthly supply from Triumph I never have to worry. We always get what we need and get it on time. By far the best place we work with on a monthly basis, and for that we appreciate every single one of you. Thank you!!!


I have been a customer of Triumph for many years and I have no plans to change. Your service has been great. Thanks so much.


Triumph is a great business. They have a caring team that helps you get your supplies to you with a phone call or text! They keep in stock what you need so they can fill orders in a timely fashion. They are my choice for my supplies for over two years and I won’t be leaving them anytime soon!


You guys are fantastic you call to see if we need supplies and send them immediately. You are all really nice when we call.


You have provided great service for many years and always friendly, helpful and prompt!


I have always had excellent customer service since 2019!
